Monday, 14 January 2008


I decided that if I was going to bake more exciting things than muffins and brownies, I'd better have the right equipment. So yesterday I made my way down to Phoon Huat (this was baking heaven for me! But I'm still a novice in this area - does anyone know any other baking supplies shop in Singapore?) and bought 2 sandwich tins (for making victoria sponges and the like), 2 springform cake tins of different sizes (coz that's what Nigella uses for her recipes), a square tin (for more brownies), a regular cake tin, a baking sheet (for cookies), cookie cutters, a rolling pin and some pudding moulds. I probably still need to get more equipment, but I have the basics, I think, for the moment. 

What would you suggest as essential kitchen equipment for a baker? 

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