Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Chocolate Torte - Jamie Oliver Style!

This is my first non-Nigella recipe on this blog. It's from Jaime Oliver, whom I adore as well. I caught him making it on TV once (can't remember which series), and I scribbled it down because it was chocolate! It's basically like a flourless chocolate brownie/mousse thingy on a graham cracker crust. You mix cocoa powder, chocolate, eggs, sugar, golden syrup, sour cream, pour it into the crust and leave it in the oven. Easy-peasy!

It was gorgeous - it's mostly chocolate afterall. But it was hard to eat too much of it because it was really really rich. We found that it went very well with a scoop of haagen-daaz macadamia nut ice-cream, which toned down the richness of the chocolate. Best served after it's cooled and set on the outside and a little warm and slightly runny on the inside (it's too runny in my picture). Yummy!

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