This Chocolate Truffle Cake recipe is from Nigella Feasts. It's a relatively simple recipe, although it does comprise 2 parts, which can be quite easy to mess up.

The first part, and the only baking part, is the making the chocolate meringue base of the cake. I made twice the amount required, as I didn't have a 20" springform tin, only a 22" one.

The second part of the recipe, involves melting down
the chocolate, which as highlighted in a previous post, can be a treacherous affair. This time round, I had to melt 400g (!) of dark chocolate with some golden syrup and rum, then mix it with double cream. First of all, I only had baker's chocolate and a couple of bars of 75% chocolate. So my chocolate was very very very dark. Then, the melting didn't seem to go as smoothly as before, possibly because there was just soooo much to melt. It was impossible to get the chocolate into that nice smooth paste. After mixing it with the cream, it realised that there were small chocolate lumps in the mixture!

The cake didn't turn out too badly, despite the few lumps of unmelted chocolate in it. It was very very rich, and because I used bakers chocolate, it was also very very very bitter, to the point of being sour! This is one recipe from Nigella's vast collection that results in a very unsweet cake. Even if I had used 70% chocolate, I think it would still have retained that bitterness, though probably not so intensely. The chocolate meringue base gave the cake a nice twist, and was a nice light touch juxtaposed with with intensity of the truffle.
I love chocolate truffle, but I'm not sure I would do this recipe again as I wasn't able to get the truffle smooth enough. And, in my book, that counts for everything in a chocolate truffle cake.
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