Thursday, 19 February 2009

Butterscotch Layer Cake, Nigella Lawson, How to be a Domestic Goddess

I realise that I've been doing A LOT of chocolate recently. Probably too much. What can I say. A girl just loves chocolate.

Bucking the trend, I baked Nigella's Butterscotch Layer Cake for my mum's birthday (once again, with the able assistance of my brother).

This recipe surprised me. It's basically a sponge cake recipe with light muscovado sugar and a butterscotch-cream cheese icing.
It was great fun to make and a wonderful revelation. I loved it, even though it didn't contain any chocolate! (Oh, and mum and the others at our small party enjoyed it lots too.)

It was moist but not too damp. As always, the light muscovado in the sponge gave it a beautiful sweetness. It was very rich, but you could just go on eating and eating. The sweetness of the cake and caramel balanced by the sour-saltiness of the cream-cheese, so it was never cloying.

I would definitely bake this cake again. It's a gorgeous cake. And I hardly ever consider a non-chocolate cake as being gorgeous.

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