Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Bread: A Lesson in Bread Making

So after my two failures with Nigella's recipe. I decided I needed some proper instruction. But of course, I don't have the time to go for a bread making course. Instead, I googled. I found a cool website, called "The Fresh Loaf" which provides information for "Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiast". Apart from recipes, it contains written bread making lessons (with pictures!) and wonderful explanations of the various steps involved in bread-making (including how you would know if your dough is too wet or too dry).

This was my attempt at "Lesson One: Your First Loaf - A Primer for the New Baker". It was not bad at all! It rose nicely. Though I found that the dough just didn't want to hold it's shape. Maybe a tad too much humidity? So we ended up with a ciabatta rather than french loaf.

I wouldn't say it was a runaway success, but it was much much better than Nigella. So a definite pass.

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