Wednesday, 2 November 2011

His Peace

This morning, BB had a routine medical appointment.  As we were having our breakfast at the hospital foodcourt, enjoying my time with Baby, BB and Hubby (Junior was at school), I became aware that exactly a year ago, I was at this very same hospital, and not quite so happy.  I was 29 weeks pregnant and on the way to a work meeting, when I discovered that I was bleeding heavily.  I was rushed to the hospital.

The doctor in her usual soothing manner did her best to calm me, while explaining the seriousness of the situation.  She spoke about trying to keep Baby in for as long as possible, but that they might have to take him out if the situation did not improve.  I remember her words very clearly, "If baby has to come out now, he has a very reasonable chance of survival."  While I was relieved that baby was OK at that point, I was suddenly aware that we might lose him.  Which mother wants only a reasonable chance that her baby would survive?  And my tears flowed.

Fast forward a year later.  I thank God everyday that he kept Baby safe.  The weeks that followed my hospitalisation were full of fear and anxiety as we faced many issues with the pregnancy.  But God was always there.  Always showing us that He would lead the way, if we would only trust Him.  It was a faith journey.  With Baby I think God has been challenging me to allow His peace to enter my anxious heart.  I am still journeying.  But today, I just want to give Him thanks and praise for giving me this "Peace" Baby.


Anita Daubaras said...

Thank you for sharing such a post that's so close to your heart. It has moved me to tears! (I began contractions with my firstborn at 30 weeks, so I can understand your sense of confusion, panic and mixed feelings...)
About His peace, that is my prayer today as well, since we are having some concerns about my baby's health.
I wanted to say thank you for having my post from the BMSG blog, Lessons from Nursing, on your blogroll, it actually came up when I was doing a random search on the web, for research for something else.
I love the baking pictures on your blog (no, you are not a domestic goddess wannabe; for already working on baking projects, you ARE a domestic goddess, not to mention with 3 little kids at your feet!)
Warmly, Anita

suz said...

Hi Anita!
I'm sorry for not responding earlier! My baby was down with chicken pox, and it was crazy having three kids home. Talk about cabin fever!

Thank you for your lovely comment. I didn't think anyone else (apart from friends) would read this blog!

I took a peek at your site. I'm amazed by what you've done...and with four children! I hope you will overcome those concerns you have about your baby's health. In the meantime, peace be with you.
